Core modules are held in:

Norway (semester 1)

Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) – As – Norway

France (semester 3):

Institut Supérieur d’Agriculture et d’Agroalimentaire Rhône-Alpes (ISARA-Lyon) on behalf of the FESIA consortium, France (ISARA-Lyon, ESA Angers, ISA Lille, EI Purpan)


During the 2. semester courses at cooperating universities can be chosen

  • University of Hohenheim, Germany
  • University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
  • Kassel-Witzenhausen, Germany
  • University of Madison, Wisconsin, USA
  • International University of Florida, Miami, USA
  • University of Florida, Gainesville, USA
  • Iowa State University, Ames, USA
  • NMBU, Norway
  • ISARA-Lyon, France (courses in French or English)


Other potential universities on demand

An international experience

A unique experience combining different European cultures Seek out professional abilities through practical experiences Develop your personal and professional network

Innovative learning tools

Work with and for professionals
Exchange experiences in Agroecology in Europe
Improve your knowledge with experts recognized in agroecology
Experiment action learning through case studies and training projects